One of the major reasons why people undergo plastic surgery is because, they need a better physical appearance than one they were born with.

For other people, they need the plastic surgery due to the fact that, they just recovered from an accident, and they want to look the way they were before.

When it comes to plastic surgery most times, only a part of the body or some parts are medically modified.

Now, based on recent research, it has been noticed that modified body parts usually appear in the offspring of the next generation.

Now, there are some drawbacks which come with plastic surgery, and they must be considered before an individual makes up his or her mind to undergo surgery.

To start with, there are medical hazards associated with plastic surgery. There are also grave ones, with the worse being death.

There is also a tendency for the individual to be down with an infection, serious bleeding, injury in the nerves that could induce hematoma and other health complications.

Also, someone who undergoes plastic surgery could have a funny appearance, different from what he or she has before.

Sometimes, the person could have scars on any part of the body, and it is very unlikely for these scars to disappear.

The most unpleasant part is, these scars are very obvious to the human eye, and the individual would not feel comfortable with them.

For some patients, they are not usually aware of the potential risks involved with going under a knife. They only realize this at the end of the surgical procedure and when they are done, they do not like the outcome that follows.

Also, scarcely would you see a cheap plastic procedure. They are usually expensive due to the peculiarity which comes with the procedure.

So, someone who needs a plastic surgery is advised to think it through as regards the cost, before making a decision on the next step to take.

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